How do I get over my Chronic Pain

Curable is an online programme and app developed by medical professionals of all persuasions to assist people to alleviate their physical pain. The graphic below is from their website. I think it beautifully illustrates how we end up in pain and how we can get out of it. Kinesiology fits in at number 12 - Self Discovery. This is the Kinesiology superpower , whereby the body has an innate ability to heal itself. Our pain, our symptoms arise in order to keep us safe, even when they actually don't, or they no longer serve us. Kinesiology taps into our subconscious brain and finds the blocks, the reasons, when and why we first developed symptoms and how we can release them.

I heard some staggering statistics on the radio (Radio National) the other, how 4 in 10 people have chronic pain symptoms everyday, and that 8 in 10 people experience some sort of pain everyday. And this isn’t correlated to older age, this was for all age groups. So you are not alone in feeling pain! However, the doctors, the general medical profession, agree that you don’t need to be in this pain. A lot of pain actually has no structural reason behind it. This means there are other reasons we feel pain, emotional reasons, situational reasons, historical reasons, and the good news is, we can change these perspectives and get ourselves out of pain.

There is hope!



Thumbnail images from Therapy Sisters UK, I use this cards in clinic when an image is easier to choose than an emotion, if you’re feeling really overwhelmed. They are a fabulous resource, sometimes a picture paints a 1000 words.


I want to be well….